Brauhaus zu Coburg, Nägleinsgasse, Coburg, Germany [Review]

Brauhaus zu Coburg is located at Nägleinsgasse, Coburg, Germany. It provides information about the address, phone number, location, and reviews from previous visitors: Brauhaus zu Coburg, Nägleinsgasse, Coburg, Germany


Rating: 4.3 ★★★★

317 reviews on Google

Place Types: Germany

Address: Nägleinsgasse 4, 96450 Coburg, Germany

Website:  http://www.brauhaus-coburg .de/

Enjoy hearty Franconian meat roasts and pork knuckle paired with flavorful craft beers at a welcoming brewpub with a terrace.

Opening Hours: Waiting for Update!

Phone number: +4995614054000

The Brauhaus zu Coburg located at Nägleinsgasse, Coburg, Germany, has an overall rating of 4.5 out of 5 on Google Maps and other online platforms. This rating is based on genuine feedback from actual users, making it a trustworthy reflection of the hotel’s quality.

The Brauhaus zu Coburg places a high priority on providing guests with a top-notch experience, as evidenced by their excellent ratings from happy customers. However, if you have a different opinion or want to give feedback, there’s a form at the bottom of the page where you can share your thoughts. Your input is valuable to the hotel, and they appreciate hearing from you.


Check out some great reviews of the Brauhaus zu Coburg in Germany, located at Nägleinsgasse, Coburg, Germany, from happy guests who have stayed there. Take a look at these reviews for more information.

The World Traveller

★★★★ 4 year ago 

We passed by this place for lunch. Food was quiet good, the local dumplings were not quiet to my liking but in general the meat and sauce was perfect. When there in the region you should try this place out.
Minh Lee

★★★★ 8 months ago

The quality is very very high. The service was also good because the people were very nice and attentive. I would totally go back!
Calorie Wise
★★★★★ 5 years ago
A small place with a traditional Bavarian fleur and local cusine, which was mostly ok , but for the Klöße which were absolutely AWFUL 😟 Like something from the potato powder, slimy and plain… …

See All Reviews

Google Maps:

Take a look at some wonderful reviews from happy guests who stayed at Brauhaus zu Coburg. The hotel is located at Nägleinsgasse, Coburg, Germany. You can find out more about the hotel by checking it out on Google Maps.


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