Münchner Hofbräu, Kleine Johannisgasse, Coburg, Germany [Review]

Münchner Hofbräu is located at Kleine Johannisgasse, Coburg, Germany. It provides information about the address, phone number, location, and reviews from previous visitors: Münchner Hofbräu, Kleine Johannisgasse, Coburg, Germany


Rating: 4.2 ★★★★

626 reviews on Google

Place Types: Germany

Address: Kleine Johannisgasse 8, 96450 Coburg, Germany

Website: https://www.coburg-muenchnerhofbraeu .de/

Prices are currently typical for your trip

Opening Hours: Waiting for Update!

Phone number: ++499561234923

The Münchner Hofbräu located at Kleine Johannisgasse, Coburg, Germany, has an overall rating of 4.5 out of 5 on Google Maps and other online platforms. This rating is based on genuine feedback from actual users, making it a trustworthy reflection of the hotel’s quality.

The Münchner Hofbräu places a high priority on providing guests with a top-notch experience, as evidenced by their excellent ratings from happy customers. However, if you have a different opinion or want to give feedback, there’s a form at the bottom of the page where you can share your thoughts. Your input is valuable to the hotel, and they appreciate hearing from you.


Check out some great reviews of the Münchner Hofbräu in Germany, located at Kleine Johannisgasse, Coburg, Germany from happy guests who have stayed there. Take a look at these reviews for more information.


★★★★ 2 weeks ago 

Something for the international people around. I have been in this restaurants with some friends. First everything went well. Then two of my friends, who have kind of an accent – they are fluent German-speakers, but you might notice the accent came to our group, too. They first did not ordered something, you know how it is, some people need some time for orientation… well after that we got ignored for over an hour straight. Maybe this might have been a coincidence, but the whole thing left me with a strange feeling. Since I also did not get the chance to order food because of this, I would clearly not recommend the Münchner Hofbräu in Coburg.
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Roger Parramore

★★★★ 6 months ago

All around a great dining experience. Price, service, and portions were all spot on. Excellent Franconian fare.
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Stephen Chinnaswamy
★★★★★ 4 years ago
Cute, cozy place to stay. We were three of us who stayed in a family room. Very convenient, two rooms, a double cot, separate single cots, two washrooms, a convenient cooking range to do small cooking, total privacy and excellent service. Will recommend for anyone wanting a decent place in Coburg. Very close to the market, the Catholic Church, the beer garden, a ten minute walk to the railway station and to Conurg University

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Take a look at some wonderful reviews from happy guests who stayed at Münchner Hofbräu. The hotel is located at Kleine Johannisgasse, Coburg, Germany. You can find out more about the hotel by checking it out on Google Maps.


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